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How Sex Can Help You Burn Calories? Research and Health Benefits
Sexual Wellness, Women's Health

How Sex Can Help You Burn Calories? Research and Health Benefits

When it comes to calorie burning, engaging in sexual activities can be a surprising workout. Although not typically top of mind, sex can be a form of exercise that connects us to our bodies and burns calories during sex. In this article, we’ll explore the calorie-burning benefits of sex, compare it to other forms of exercise, and discuss how different factors like intensity and body weight can impact calorie burn. Key Takeaways: How Many Calories Do You Burn During Sex? Research on the calorie-burning benefits of sex is limited, but studies on younger adults suggest that sex can be considered a form of physical activity equivalent to climbing two flights of stairs or walking briskly. In one study, it was estimated that men burn an average of 101 calories (4.2 calories per minute) during sex, while women burn about 69 calories (3.1 calories per minute). To put this into perspective, a 160-pound person burns approximately 124 calories during sex jogging for 10 minutes, which averages to about 12.4 calories per minute. This suggests that while sex can be a moderate form of exercise, it may not match the cardiovascular and calorie-burning benefits of more intense activities like running or cycling. Important Note: Engaging in sexual activities can serve as a surprising workout for calorie burning. While not the first thought for exercise, sex does offer a way to connect with our bodies and expend energy. This article emphasizes the caloric benefits of sexual activities, comparing it to conventional forms of exercise, and elaborates on how intensity, body weight, and other factors influence calorie consumption. Factors Affecting Calorie Burn The number of calories burn during sex can vary based on factors like the intensity of the activity, body weight, and the duration of the session. Generally, the person taking a more active role burns more calories. For example, women tend to burn more calories when they are on top. Men typically burn more calories during sex than women due to differences in muscle mass and body composition. Muscle burns more calories at rest and during exercise compared to fat, so individuals with more muscle mass tend to burn more calories overall. Sex Positions and Calorie Burn Certain sex positions require more muscular strength and endurance, which can contribute to higher calorie burn. Positions like the Standing 69, Aerial Dancer, Arm Hang, and Squatting Cowgirl are examples of positions that may require more physical effort and thus burn more calories. While specific research on the calorie burn of different sex positions is limited, it’s safe to say that more physically demanding positions can contribute to a higher calorie burn. Sex benefits include: Additional Ways to Burn Calories Engaging in activities like dancing or giving massages can also contribute to calorie burn and enhance the overall experience. For example, a 160-pound person can burn approximately 145 calories giving a 30-minute massage. Dancing for 30 minutes can burn about 100 calories for a 140-pound person. Quick Tip: Remember that sex, while a form of physical activity, typically doesn’t match the intensity of more vigorous exercises like running. However, it still contributes to overall health through stress reduction, mood boosts, and other benefits. Engaging in different positions and making sex last longer can optimize calorie burn. TD;LR: Summary Research suggests that while sex does burn calories and functions as a moderate form of physical activity, it might not offer the same calorie-burning intensity as vigorous exercises like jogging.  During sex, men typically burn around 101 calories, and women burn about 69 calories, resembling the exertion of climbing two flights of stairs or walking briskly.  The calorie burn during sex varies depending on several factors, including the activity’s intensity, the individuals’ body weight, their role during the act, and the session’s duration.  More active roles and physically demanding positions tend to increase calorie burn. However, sex may not replace the cardiovascular benefits of more intense physical activities. Resources

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Depression in Women Links to Heart Disease Risk: What You Need to Know
Women's Health, Health News

Depression in Women Links to Heart Disease Risk: What You Need to Know

A recent Japanese study finds that depression may affect the heart health of women more significantly than that of men. Experts recommend steps women should take to mitigate their risk. The Link Between Depression and Heart Disease While both men and women with depression face an increased risk of heart disease, the risk is significantly higher in women, according to a study published in JACC: Asia. Women with a history of depression were found to be more likely to experience heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, chest pain, and atrial fibrillation compared to men with a similar history. Understanding the specific factors related to gender in the relationship between depression and cardiovascular outcomes could lead to targeted prevention strategies, noted Hidehiro Kaneko, MD, an assistant professor at the University of Tokyo, Japan. Why Depression Affects Women’s Heart Health More There are several theories as to why depression may impact women’s heart health more than men’s. One explanation is that women may experience more severe depression. Hormonal transitions unique to women, such as pregnancy, postpartum depression, perimenopause, and menopause, could also play a role. Behavioral differences, such as lower physical activity levels and more frequent doctor visits among women, may also contribute. What Women Can Do Women need to be vigilant about the risk factors for heart disease, with a particular emphasis on depression. Even though genetic inclinations towards depression are unalterable, there are several lifestyle changes women can implement to lower their risk. These modifications include enhancing exercise routines, opting for a diet that supports heart health, abstaining from smoking, and keeping an eye on cholesterol and blood pressure. Women need to be mindful of heart disease risk factors, especially depression. They can lower their risk by focusing on changeable lifestyle factors: enhancing physical activity, eating a heart-healthy diet, quitting smoking, and controlling cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Seeking Help Women experiencing symptoms of depression or heart disease should seek medical attention. Symptoms of heart attack, such as chest discomfort, breathlessness, or discomfort in the upper back or shoulders, should not be ignored. Seeking treatment for depression is also important. By being proactive about their heart health and seeking appropriate medical care, women can reduce their risk of heart disease and improve their overall well-being. The Role of Depression in Women’s Heart Health Depression appears to have a greater impact on women’s heart health compared to men’s. Evidence suggests that women with depression are at a higher relative risk of developing negative heart-related outcomes. However, the exact influence of sex differences on the relationship between depression and heart health remains unclear. Study Findings Recent research indicates a heightened risk of cardiovascular disease among individuals suffering from depression, with a notably higher incidence of heart disease observed in women as compared to men.  This study’s results were disclosed on March 12 in the journal JACC: Asia. In an in-depth analysis of the relationship between depression and cardiovascular diseases, researchers utilized data from the JMDC Claims Database spanning the years 2005 to 2022. The investigation identified 4,125,720 qualified participants, with a median age of 44 years. Among these participants, 2,370,986 were male. The findings reveal a significant disparity in risk between genders: men with depression exhibited a 39% increased risk of developing heart disease, while women with similar conditions faced a 64% elevated risk. Dr. Allison Gaffey, an assistant professor of cardiovascular medicine at Yale School of Medicine, who was not a participant in the research, commented on the study’s significance: “This research provides valuable insights into the gender-specific correlations between depression and the risk of cardiovascular disease among a vast cohort of Japanese adults.” Dr. Gaffey further emphasized, “The management of depression is crucial for the prevention of heart disease. These findings further substantiate the importance of addressing depression through appropriate screening, referrals, and treatments to mitigate the risk of heart disease in both men and women.” Explaining the Gender Differences Numerous elements may account for the more pronounced impact of depression on women’s cardiovascular health compared to men’s. It is posited that one rationale might be the severity of depression, which could be greater in women. Furthermore, women undergo hormonal changes that are exclusive to their sex, including pregnancy and menopause, which might also play a significant role. Additionally, lifestyle and behavioral variations, such as lower rates of physical activity and a higher frequency of healthcare consultations among women, could contribute to this disparity. Conclusion Women should pay close attention to their risk factors for heart disease, including depression. While biological predispositions to depression cannot be changed, women can focus on modifiable risk factors to reduce their risk of heart disease. Seeking medical attention for symptoms of depression or heart disease is crucial for managing these conditions and improving overall health outcomes. FAQ

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